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OCAA is the 'Owners Corporation Association of Australia', established in 2016 by several prominent strata lot owners, for the benefit of all lot owners who live in an owners corporation.




The founding members of SCOA are lot owners within owners corporations and bring their expertise in property law, strata management, media, property development and information technology in developing SCOA. 

We strive to...
  • Assist dissatisfied lot owners in changing their professional owners corporation manager;

  • Enable owners corporation that are not professionally managed to either appoint a professional manager, or self-manage and comply with all legislative requirements;

  • Benefit members by a cloud service to store all owners corporation information so lot owners hold the information about their owners corporation and not a third party;

  • Provide a platform for all members to share their knowledge and experience, views and opinions on owners corporation matters;

  • Advocate for lot owners in owners corporations, as the interests of lot owners living in owners corporations are currently unrepresented. Areas where law reform is needed is building defects in common property, 100% vote to develop common property to name a few;

  • Educate lot owners the services of professional managers or responsibilities in self managing  and owners corporation;

  • Seek to provide buying power to lot owners engaging the services of professional managers, building consultants, trades people and other professionals, when required. 



OCAA's mission is to empower strata community in Australia by giving the lot owners an identity by uniting owners as one body to provide a solidarity front and a voice to have a say and impact the legal reform of legislation, setting the path for the next generation of strata lot owners.


In essence...



OCAA provides lot owners with a forum to share experiences, seek advice and to source reliable and independent information.

The founding members of OCAA are lot owners within owners corporations and share their expertise in property law, strata and facilities management, media, property development and information technology for the betterment of SCOA. Meetup provides a platform for all members to share their knowledge and experience, views and opinions on owners corporation matters.
In all our interactions, resources and services, we centrally focus on how to:


• Advocate for lot owners in owners corporations, as the interests of lot owners living in owners corporations are currently unrepresented. SCA is provides services for managers, not consumers


• Facilitate policy development where law reform is needed 


• Represent the needs and concerns of residents in multi dwelling and mixed use properties to Ministers, MPs, CAV and other regulators


• Support OC Committees, lot owners and residents to navigate building defects remediation and cladding rectification


• Provide regular webinars in conjunction with the Victorian Building Authority, Consumer Affairs Victoria, VCAT, Cladding Safety Victoria and the Victorian Managed Insurance Agency, DHHS


• Educate owners about Life Safety in the Built Environment and Essential Safety Measures


• Inform about compliance with all Acts, Regulations, Codes and Guidelines


• Assist with neighbour disputes and complaints 


• Prepare OCs for VCAT and assist lot owners who are self-represented


• COVID-19 unlock - guide sanitation and waste management throughout the property including common areas and reopening of gyms, pools 


•  Seek to leverage buying power for lot owners engaging the services of professional managers, building consultants, tradespeople, energy providers and other professionals


•  Educate Lot Owners about the operation of Owners Corporations, rules, rights and responsibilities, record keeping and maintenance plans


• Advocate for OC Committees, Lot Owners and Residents in cases where professional managers behave contrary to the law and relationships lack civility


• Guide self-managed Owners Corporations oncompliance with all legislative requirements


• Support Owners Corporations in the appointment of professional managers


• Educate lot owners about the services provided by professional managers and the OCs responsibilities 


• Benefit members by creating a low cost, reliable 'cloud' to store all owners corporation information including building and construction documentation, variations, products, materials, fixtures, fittings, warranty and usage, maintenance schedules and end-of-life replacement dates for the life cycle of the building. This ensures successive OC Committees and lot owners hold the information about their owners corporation and not a third party.

OCAA Logos (2).jpg
Association of
Australia (Inc.)
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